Catch Up

Well, I don't know where to start! The last couple of months have been a ghastly blur. I have an investment house in my home town that I renovated then rented out some years ago - a recent change of tenant proved to be quite a disaster, I had to go to court to have them evicted, it was traumatic - they have gone now, but I am flat out with the enormous clean up, the insurance co, you name it. I'm going to sell it once I restore it to its former glory, so am working full-on so I can put it on the market asap.
I also had yearling colt attacked by a dog. Part of his throat was torn open, and the whole of his chest, and a lot of muscle was missing. It is unclear what was from the dog, and what was from injuries sustained as he ran away from the dog, as he was chased a couple of kilometres away. He couldn't walk on that leg - it was a ghastly injury. It is healing up well and now he can walk on it, although still looks a sight. The photo is on the left is 3 days after it happened - quite an improvement on the first day! The photo on the right is the first day (after the vet had treated it), but you can't tell from the photo just how bad it was, there was a lot of muscle and flesh missing.
My 3 y.o. buckskin Quarter Horse mare Brandys Precious Pass has adopted him, which is quite cute.
Oh, and the day I had to get the court order to have them evicted was the day the colt was attacked - the vet left at 8 am, and I had to be in court in another town at 9.30 am. That night I felt I was going completely mad and just lay on the lounge staring into space.
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