Catch Up! Nov 06 to Jan 08!!

2007 was very hectic - my 4wd finally died. When it stranded us on the side of the road in 2006, the engine was under warranty - I took it back to the mechanic who kept it for over 2 months, and informed me that he had sent it back to the suppliers to be fixed. Well.... 2 weeks after I got it back, I was bringing back my 2 Arabian mares from their fast workout (they were soon to race in an Arabian race) when I heard a ghastly sound. I pulled over - and to cut a long story short, a piston had gone through the engine. It went back to the mechanic, who said he would complain to the engine supplier. He also said I must not contact the supplier, but to leave it to him. He was so adamant about this, that I got suspicious and phoned the supplier - and to my horror, found out that the engine had never gone to them at all! The mechanic had simply done a bandaid job on the warped head and given the car back to me saying it was a replaced engine. After much crooked dealing from the mechanic, I finally got a replacement engine for the car. However, it than sprang a petrol leak and an LPG gas leak at the same time, and the brakes went, so I got rid of it.
Meanwhile, I had sold my double float and bought 3 horse angle load, which I still have , but have nothing to tow it with.
Meanwhile.... both my parents became very ill.
Meanwhile..... Equine Influenza broke out in Australia. I ended up having all my horses vaccinated, that in itself was quite a drama, but I can only type with 2 fingers so it would take too long to recount that tale.
Meanwhile.... I also rediscovered my former pure Polish Arabian mare Kasztelanka and was able to get her back - her story is at my website - go to "Arabian mares" page and then click on her name for her story.
Meanwhile..... I was hard at work trying to meet the publisher's deadline for a couple of books. Some of my books are now on Amazon, see the link at the right of the page.
Meanwhile... my lovely Arabian stallion Hyksos Arkhon had his first two foals, a buckskin Quarab filly (photo baiove left at 10 weeks), and a Dilute Black (photo above at 2 weeks), of all things, colt from my cremello mare.
Well that's about it. So much happened in 2007.
I will be posting on frequent basis from now on.
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